
And now Dalits get into action....

Absolutely unprecedented and uncalled for - the mob scene and damage caused to National and private property.

The Haves v/s the Have nots? Looks much deeper than that. The administration has tried to turn the tables on the Dalits by arresting a Dalit in Kanpur, obviously the community is more upset.

Now what - we live in more fear from terrorists, mobs, goons, hooligans, politicians, common man and what have you. The Indian saga lives on.......

The Willam S

HAMLET: To be, or not to be--that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles
And by opposing end them. To die, to sleep--
No more--and by a sleep to say we end
The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to. 'Tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wished. To die, to sleep--
To sleep--perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub,
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause. There's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life.
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
Th' oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office, and the spurns
That patient merit of th' unworthy takes,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after death,
The undiscovered country, from whose bourn
No traveller returns, puzzles the will,
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than fly to others that we know not of?
Thus conscience does make cowards of us all,
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprise of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry
And lose the name of action. -- Soft you now,
The fair Ophelia! -- Nymph, in thy orisons
Be all my sins remembered.

Lyrics of 'If I could fall in love' - Lenny Kravitz

When I was young

I fell in love

She was a goddess

With a world inside of her mind

When she moved on

Something went wrong

She took my power

And the love I had inside

Now that I found you

I don't know how to

If I could fall

In love again

I'd fall in love with you

If I could change

A grain of sand

Into a pearl I would

I pray in time

I'll come to find

Away to break through

And save this heart of mine

You've waited long

If you can't hold on

I wouldn't blame you

I don't think I'd be that strong

What am I to do

If I can't have you

If I could fall

In love again

I'd fall in love with you

If I could change

A grain of sand

Into a pearl I would

You love me so

Even though I don't know

How do you deal

With a man like me

If I could fall

In love again

I'd fall in love with you

If I could change

A grain of sand

Into a pearl I would

I would, I would, I would

Cook cook u fool!


A meal by itself.
Cooking Time : 15 min. Preparation Time : 10 min. Serves 1. For the rice 2 teacups cooked rice 2 pinches saffron 2 small sticks cinnamon 2 cloves 2 tablespoons ghee salt to taste For the curry mutter dhingri, or a curry of your choice Method 1. Warm the saffron in a small vessel, add 2 teaspoons of water and rub until the saffron dissolves. 2. Heat the ghee on a tava and fry the cinnamon and cloves for a few seconds. Add the rice, saffron water and salt and mix well. How to sizzle 1. Heat a sizzling cast iron plate or tava until red hot. Keep the rice and curry warm in separate vessels. 2. When you want to serve, put a large leaf of lettuce or cabbage on the red hot cast iron plate so that the food will not stick. Then, spread the rice on the sizzling plate first. 3. Make a well in the centre and put the curry into it. Mix 1 tablespoon of oil and 1 tablespoon of water and spread over the rice to get the sizzling effect. 4. Serve with papad, sweet mango pickle and tomato-onion kachumber (salad).


Richie N Ricci

He won't be happy even if i write an entire blog for him...wierdo!!!
No he is not that frnd who leaves his footprints or is a milestone in the journey...
He is stonned 'mallu'...has a constant expression on his face nd fakes a smile...
And dare I call him sweet coz taht wud ruin his image of being a killer which he has devveloped in 22 yreas....loves reptiles(tatoos a crab and scorpion )...loves smoking up (or atleast lies abt it. ..rotten impression)....
So y do I dedicate so many text charcters to him ..coz..he had come all the way frm chennai to Pune juss to meet me...cudnt manage a seat on his return journey and has his perennial complaints abt it...has always been an sms away when I am bored...
apologies for not takin u to OSHos...nd apologies 4 not having beer wit u...
MAy u earn more of those yummy dinars and may u find the girl who will stand ur boring converstaions.....God bless u dear...

The Senility Prayer

Grant me the strength to forget the people I never liked anyway,the good fortune to run into the ones I do, and the eye-sight to tell the difference


Lazy Boys and Bad girls

Yes its Aunt Shabri again..with her 22 yrs hands-on
experience of life and its applications...

Though I have started the post on a lighter note it deals
with a more serious issue
(Atleast according to me.Others are requested to differ)

I have lived in Kuwait and India.So my comments would be
to a limited scope of these two countries(Culturally and
People-wise.No landscape discussions here
beacuse my vision is restricted. .)

Anyway, I believe in simple living and simple writing. There are
tools for beautifying and I leave it on them.

Radha, daughter of Vrishabhanu, was
Krishna's lover during that period of his
life when he lived among the cowherds of
Vrindavan. Since childhood they were
closeto each other - they played, they
danced,they fought, they
grew up together and
wanted to be together forever, but the
world pulled them apart. He departed to
safeguard the virtues of truth,and she
waited for him. He vanquished his enemies,
became the king, and came to be
worshipped as a lord of the universe.
She waited for him. He married Rukmini
and Satyabhama, raised a family,
fought the great war of Ayodhya,
and she still waited. So great was Radha's
love for Krishna that even today her name
is uttered whenever Krishna is refered to,
and Krishna worship is
though to be incomplete without the
deification of Radha.

Nothing much but definetly worth mentioning. I myself don't
know much about feminity and the dos and donts set by our
value standards. But I do know that
females besides being the fairer sex are also
the lesser sex. Besides the physical attributes...
Talk less , Think less , Work less .
Why? Because its natural ..and anything that is not
man-made is forever..

My perception but I am always open to thoughts which
open new dimension. However, what definetly bothers me is
the way our(Indian) girls are or pretend to be ..
Everything is momentory and is a matter of convineince...
Not to forget ..its all about getting
attention(nessacary or unnessacary)...I
don't blame the boys.They do things which come
naturally to them.
So here is a message to all the girls including myself......

We are like the bow on the gift....let us untie only to the
special people because gifts are only for our
special ones..


Movie Moods

The best part of working in a software company is the weekends...
Comes fri night and I open PT to chk out the lateshht movies ..Pyar ke side effects,Kank (:p),DON,Dhoom 2 ,Vivah,Casino Royale..Saw them all...

Pyar Ke side effects : The gen-XYZ movie with its underplayed humour...Rahul Bose gets into the same fitting white shirts all spiked up and Mallika Sherwat gets into her same little nothings(quite subtle though this time)....So whats the deal...nothing... love,dating and marraige has been gagged and customised ..rules which the today's generation can relate to...aha so heres the key ...the multiplex audience is anyway the tube-topped one... so make the movie with which the girls and boys identify themselves(and they can justify their one night stands)...
These days being cool is not in...but mocking at what is supposedly cool is u r dating someone pls do watch this might add some glamour and tab points to remember in your boring love life...Waise I dint know that drinking coffee was such a big deal

KANK: How typical with a twist can someone get???Karan Johar with his single status decides to make a movie which deals with a serious issue of not finding true love.
Rani mukherjee wears beautiful sarees and to contrast that Preity Zinta wears larger than sets outfits(the diva that she is)..Why do I discuss clothes ? Because is'nt that what bollywood these days is all about ...
Two married couples who look good togther and live an almost perfect life...
But yeh dil mange more naaaa.....even if it means going against the sanctity of marraige..
So these two brave people take the plunge and nearly have an extra-marital affair on the pretext of having had found their Mr and Ms Right...ya right!!
Karan Johar needs to get his left-right correct ...He airs the wrong it Kuch kuch hota hain where he teaches the girls how to wear the right kind of make-up to get their crushes ..or Kabhi kushi kabhi gam where he manages to send no message...
And KANK..well who cares..evry1 these days have that extra byte in their lives...deteriorating

DON: Farhan Akhtar hain baba....Intersting plot , fantastic character portrayal , surprise ending,downloadable songs ...but still a one time the way Sharukh khan endorses for Tag heuer..

Vivah:Why not shaadi??
Amrita rao is mesmerising with her false eyelashes and Shahid Kapur deparately tries to be PREM...
The journey from Engagement to Marraige.....I was wondering ...3 weeks difficult can it get???But here we have the Bharjatiyas making a 3 hr movie on it...Commendable na..
Madhuri or Salman ki baat hi kuch aur thi...
You buy the ticket,sit,watch,go back to the parking,reach home,sleep and next day forget it all.....IMPACT honey!!!!Its missing these days

Dhoom 2 : Kuch bhiiiiiiii...........


Magar mujhe lota do woh bachpan ka sawan,woh kagaz ki kashti ,woh barish ka paaani

Everyone of us have had theirs......
All of us want it back....despite.....
They could have been painful , tragical,fun,carefree,naughty,adventurous,story-telling,sunny afternoons,mango trees,never-ending home-works,obesity,braces,specs,sweaty palms,friends and their toys,their computer,their school uniforms.......
Today most of us are working in plush cubicles,earn our own drink and are concious about our physique,status,civil behaviour,social issues, in keeping touch with friends......sounds good,feels better and looks best...but every sentence however long has its buts and so does this...
There is a spelling mistake extra 'a' missing 'but' something is not there...
Is it human not to be content or is it that our expectations are soaring high???
Probably...which is why a village bumpkin's (simple yokel satisfied with two meals) smile stretches and we keep it short and sweet(depends)...
Conclusion...Its never too late and its never too early to be happy ..I could add a smiley to end that..Its only appropriate for the time-being..time please :-)


Suna hain bandh kar li usne apni aankhein

July 23rd 2006

Scheduled flight timings,million dollar worth investments, under construction sky-scrapers,family planning,year-long prepartion for exams.........

Life is a risk and we have no choice...we forget the temporary nature of our existance because we learn to survive..
It suddenly hits us when a close on passes away...but thats again temprorary because time is the best healer...I am sure even Albert Einstein would 'nt make a comment on the transitory nature of time(per se)

You are one of the ideal men in my life grand pa....
May your soul rest in peace